30-09-07, 12:50 PM
New server brought online 11th February 2007.
Hardware Specification
Based on the Ubuntu Linux operating system, your server supports scripting in over 20 languages and is supplied with a comprehensive suite of software installed.
Server-side Scripting
Scripting support for over twenty languages, including: Python 2.4, TCL, JavaScript (SpiderMonkey), Bash, Korn Shell, Zsh, Haskell (hugs), Basic (yabasic), Smalltalk (GNU Smalltalk), Parrot, Perl 6 (pugs), S-Lang, Pike, Lua, Bourne Shell, TCsh, Dash (Almquist Shell), BF, Unlambda, and Whitespace.
Perl 5.8.7
mySQL Database Server
Version 5 of the enterprise class mySQL database server is installed.
Hardware Specification
- 3.2Ghz P4 Processor
- 2GB Memory
Based on the Ubuntu Linux operating system, your server supports scripting in over 20 languages and is supplied with a comprehensive suite of software installed.
Server-side Scripting
Scripting support for over twenty languages, including: Python 2.4, TCL, JavaScript (SpiderMonkey), Bash, Korn Shell, Zsh, Haskell (hugs), Basic (yabasic), Smalltalk (GNU Smalltalk), Parrot, Perl 6 (pugs), S-Lang, Pike, Lua, Bourne Shell, TCsh, Dash (Almquist Shell), BF, Unlambda, and Whitespace.
- PHP versions 4 and 5 are both available, features include:
- Smarty templating system
- PEAR modules including: DB, Mail, XML_RPC, XML_Parser,
- HTTP_Request
- PEAR client for adding additional PEAR and PECL extensions
Perl 5.8.7
- DBI for MySQL
- MVC frameworks including: Catalyst, CGI::Application
- Choice of templating languages: Template Toolkit, HTML::Template, HTML::Mason
- Object-relational mappers: Class:BI, DBIx::Class
- Hundreds more modules including CGI, DateTime, Email::Simple,
- Email::Valid, GD, Image::Magick, Image::Size, JSON, List::MoreUtils, LWP, Regexp::Common, WWW::Mechanize, YAML, XML::LibXML, cpan script for installing additional modules.
- Version 1.8
- Includes Ruby on Rails
mySQL Database Server
Version 5 of the enterprise class mySQL database server is installed.
Webnetics UK Ltd.
Webnetics UK Ltd.